Frank Pōmaika’i Munden was born on O’ahu, Hawai’i in 1971 and raised on Maui. A product of Ha’iku Elementary School, Munden graduated from Maui High School in 1989. After some time in the US Navy as a Machinist Mate onboard the USS Arkansas CGN-41, Munden returned to Maui for several years before moving to Makiki, O’ahu in 1996.
Munden attended Kapi’olani Community College and then later, the University of Hawai’i at Manoa where he obtained a BA in History with a minor in Political Science in 2008 and later a Post Baccalaureate in Special Education in 2011. (Munden took a handful of classes from Maui Community College, (Now University of Hawai’i Maui College), Honolulu Community College, and Chaminade University of Honolulu.)
Munden spent time as a special education history teacher for the Hawai’i Department of Education. Currently, he’s in a Nursing Assistant at a major hospital on O’ahu.
Munden is a Christian who believes in racial equality and fairness in life. His favorite music genres are old school Reggae, like Bob Marley, Hawaiian and Christian rap.
Munden got his name Pōmaika’i from his first Hawaiian language class by his teacher, Kumu Puhi Adams. The Hawaiian word translates to blessed or blessing from Heaven.
Munden has a girlfriend named Jenell “Ke’alohi” Sato. Munden’s youngest brother, Frazier Munden lives on Maui. His other brother, Forest Munden, lives in Canada with his girlfriend, Catherine “Cat” Chan.
His father, Frank Munden Sr., (RIP), passed away peacefully on Maui on October 24, 2021. His mother, Faith Munden (RIP), passed away peacefully on Maui on February 25, 2022.
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